Key Words
Heart Song
Divine Spark
Unique Melody
Sing Your Song! You drew this card because your heart seeks to tune into its Serenity.
The habit of downgrading your melody? Let it go. Get rid for thee. Shed the mythical cloak of perceived unworthiness. Put on the garbs of Harmony and Bliss. Perhaps if you’d call it “nakedness”, then strip bare to the sacredness. Know that you belong. Serenity shall follow thee. Sing Your Song; Enjoy The Beat. If you share your song freely you’ll see who’s on the journey with thee. Some permanently, some fleetingly, some every so often.. Some on Earth’s plane. Some in our heartspace. Some lovingly and some sorrowfully. Some nurturingly. Your joy can be healing for the sorrowful. And if we listen their sorrow teaches us. If people take your song personally, don’t take that so personally. Just know a person can see presently what they allow themselves to see. Don’t worry about seeming too boldly Happy!
Contagiously, joy oozes through thee. Sticking somewhere in All Hearts, magically. Connected are we, beautifully. The power of the sun helps guide the way. It never leaves; just changes location. You can ALWAYS breathe it in. Let gratitude fill you up. Let Love create through it. All is made of different levels of love. And you ARE a creatOr. A fountain of possibility. Sing Your Song, my dear divine one. Your Melody is Unique. Inhale the spark of light from 3 feet above your head. The spark holds the energy of the Heavens: The Cosmos, which means “Beauty” ~ And Everything is The Cosmos. The energy of the Heavens and a piece of your sweet Essence of soul.
Inhale the Spark. Let it radiate and expand. Let it make your chest glow of golden green light. A faint glimmer of purple lights up the center, holding a magical key that you may or may not see. Know it is there. Expand its energy through you and out to everywhere. Embrace Yourself. Give yourself a hug. As you do so, lovingly, with your own peaceful, powerful grace, repeat these words:
I Am Serenity.
I Am Royalty.
I LOVE myself, Eternally.
I Am Love.
I Receive.
Abundance surrounds Me.
Auspicion Envelops Me.
I Am King or Queen of My Own Destiny!
The Healing Spiral Energy Engulfs My Being.
I Acknowledge the present as the present of presence.
I Acknowledge the Now As My Canvas, As My Partner.
I Acknowledge my Power as my Energy Signature.
I Acknowledge that Contrast has made me aware.
And Stronger, In grounding Me.
I understand and Acknowledge my hardships as lessons learned, I appreciate.
I Acknowledge my growth in this Universe.
I Acknowledge I Bless Myself. I Acknowledge all who bless me.
I Acknowledge that all is as it should be.
I invite in my own Serenity.
I sing my song, willingly.
I open myself to possibility.
I notice that love flows.
I know that love flows through and to me.
I Am Magnetic. I Am Magnetic I Am Magnetic Force: Source.
I Am Electric. I Am Electric. I Am Electric Source: Force.
I exude love and harmony.
I Am Serenity.
And so it is
And so it shall be.
Forever more.
Inviting in Infinity.
Namaste, from I to Me.
Breathe into your Solarplexus. Your belly connected to the Sun Energy.
For 108 seconds or just a minute.
Through the nose, out the mouth, think in… Out.
Think Inside my center, out from my center.
Ripple.. Radiate..
You Are LOVE
And you ARE MAGIC.
Sing Your Song, dance your dance.
Acknowledge JOY
As a Strength!
Symbolic Meaning of the Card
The Peace Bug
Dwells within your heart center. Nudging you to ~ Shed the mythical cloak of perceived unworthiness.
Golden Feline Guardians
Spiritual protection of the Heart space. Connection from the Earthly Realm through the Aethers to the Cosmic Consciousness.
Musical Notes and Sacred Geometric Arches
Revealing the magical harmonic resonance in the Cosmos ~ Beauty that is your own Heart Song. The Music of the Spheres is the majestic dance of the planets in sacred geometric spirals such as the pirouette of Earth and Venus over an 8 year cycle which manifests in shapes of exquisite beauty and finally the Flower of Life in totality.
Angel Wings & Feathers in the Hair
Gently flowing, easy giving and receiving of Higher Love. Cosmic Connection to the Higher Realms ~ Angelic and Shamanic connection with Earth Mother ~ Avian Starseed DNA ~ Birdtribe. Potent symbols of the divine mind.
Sparkling Maracas
Encourage the playful innocence of uninhibited musical expression ~ Singing out Loud, Rippling and Radiating, Playing your Song, Dancing your Dance, Breathing the Infinite Breath.
Rainbow Rays
Vibrant Neons of the 7 Elemental Rays derived directly from the Pure White Source Ray, as seen with white Light refraction through a crystal prism. Each one corresponding to the 7 Embodied Chakras and denoting Energy Mastery of the qualities and attributes required to be able to start activation and integration of the 5D 12 Centre Ascendant Chakras. The Rainbow Colours glistening and twinkling here revealing the transformation of Consciousness required to step out onto the Iridescent Rainbow Bridge to the New Earth.
Gold Ray
Source Light Energy, Christ Consciousness, Divine Love.
Rose Quartz.