A life full of creativity

Nederlandse vertaling

Below, in short my Matrix story, interested in my Source awakening story, read here.

My golden thread through life has always been nature, animals and creating atmospheres. My work history, as a manager, window dresser and visual merchandiser, also revolved around creating the right atmosphere. Subsequently, this process of creating atmospheres moved to creating the right inner element atmospheres, when I started the Classical Shiatsu School in The Hague in 2003. This also became the beginning of my own healing journey towards becoming No-Thing, detached and free. A journey of 20 years, in which I exposed every shadow program and finally came home to my own inner peace, source knowing and awareness. During this inspired journey back to my inner source awareness, my creativity exploded. I started writing children books and creating lots of Art inspired by my inner experiences. For a period, my creativity merged with my elemental healing and oracle readings. From that period, many soul template DNA activation readings and my Mystical Oracle online deck emerged. My way of self-healing and detaching with the elements I recently transformed into a free 1,2,3 Self Healing Element Journey, for all to enjoy. My first children story, Loveland, is the only story I translated to English. If you like to read it with your children, you can download it for free, HERE. I wrote Loveland a long time ago, therefore it does not match my NOW source knowing anymore. My NOW, Source knowing that pops up, I share on my blog and video channel, for the ones who resonate with my journey. Enjoy my content.

If the content on my website activated a spark of Source remembrance, and you have something extra to share, know that a donation to keep my website going, is highly appreciated.

Peace Qizenna

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