Noah’s Arc inverted
Stories are going around, as they always do, for this inverted illusionary holographic game is build out of codes, that show themselves as stories. Noah's arc is coming, is a story/code that is going around for a long time. Since the beginning of this...
You’re dreaming this dream!
Many times before, you heard me talk about the infinite systems and codings I stumbled upon during my inner journey through this holographic dream machine we know as earth. Those many narrative systems and codings are not important, they are No-Thing in essence. They...
Source Anchoring Journey
Sharing a journey that came through my Source yesterday for a dear friend I'm working with. It seems to be a very powerful Source anchoring journey, and therefore I decided to share it for all to enjoy. There is an English and a Dutch...
What is an E-MO(ti)ON?
Motion; An act, process, conditioning E; Is the base of the natural logarithm. It is the limit of in-finity = in time = limited time, a narrow field of time by which an objective or task must be accomplished (reset time). A transcendental number...
How is it possible that I see what I see?
Nederlandse vertaling Through the AI medium the internet, you now increasingly see photos and videos of creatures in the sky, light shapes, strange cloud formations and UFOs. Nowadays at least 50% is made by AI bots and their fake accounts. The other 50%, if...
What is Cern, and who is the upcoming Anti-Christ?
CERN explained: C: C programming language is a compiled language, which means that the code is compiled into machine code before it is executed. C programming language is a procedural language, which means that it follows a set of rules and guidelines for programming....
Observation Mind & Avatar take-over
In my previous post I talked about the starlink network which is now linked to the ground AI network, which became visible to me as an AI realm full of clown-like demons. Whether they are perceived in that form by everyone, no idea? For...
The AI Meta Clownsworld became visible,
Me Ta comes from Greek and translated to English means; POST.Verse : Verse comes from the Latin word versus, which means a line of writing and is based on the Proto-Indo-European root wer, meaning to TURN or bend. And Verses is the plural of...
Reptilian snakes & eggs
Nederlandse vertaling Those who have been following me on YouTube for a while know the story below, I have previously spoken in a video about my experiences with reptilian shapeshifters and below this post you find my latest video about Snakes and Eggs. Someone...
The soul template system
Is the soul, the memory manipulation seeing template? I have experienced, it is. So my advice is to detach from the soul, and start speaking/feeling/seeing from your space of No-thing. Your all-knowing space, the place where you no longer need your eyes, ears, thoughts...
Nothing has left you, for it’s formed from your source…
In my previous writing, I mentioned that "the dark" tried to invite/attach me into the dream game, through a request for help. In order to clarify the actual attempt at attachment, I decided to let go of my body in the bath and become...
If you…
Self-love, the key to fullness is No Thing Ness, HOME. Is there still separation and lack of love within yourself?Be honest while you read the "If you.....," If you don't trust yourself, you magnetize people who betray your trust.If you don't set boundaries, you...
The way out
My dear friend Lalita Karoli asked her viewers to respond to a question in her latest video, "The Devil's Chessboard". "What is the way out of this game". Sharing my perception in a short writing and two video's, you find below this post. And...
The 3 program perspectives
Q&A: The Question: In your latest video, you talk about 3 perceptions we experience in every program we work through. And that the soul is part of this game, this came as a shock to me. How did you come to these beliefs or...
Freeing Overshadowed Frequencies
Q&A: Question: In your last message you write about overshadowed frequencies, how do you free them? And you say that the dimensions and portals are all inside ourselves, not without. How? Can you go deeper into that? Thank you. Answer: The way I have...
The 144.000
Q&A: The Question: Are you of any knowledge on the 144000 and psionics? My Answer: Through my own experience with the element/mineral landscape in my body and working with the system in others, I know now that the first and deepest base is our...
Q&A: Question: I believe I am connecting to a Cassiopeia being now, and I would love to know more about it. You talk about it in your video, and I feel this realm is what is coming through for me now. You say it...
How to navigate the Nothingness?
Q&A: Question: So, how to navigate that reality? Lots of Care. Thank You.Answer: In that space you don't navigate, you are an observing presence flowing from moment to moment and work with whatever pops up from within or from without on your screen. There...
The Orion frequency codes,
Remember, if you decide to keep reading, use it as a mirror moment and detach after. Don't get hooked up to narratives. For all knowing in your NO-Thing-ness is within you. The story below is just an observation I felt needed sharing for some...
Question:How do you know if your soul parts are still lost and how to bring them back? Just with intention? I’ve been so emotional lately, and then a love interest just said he wasn’t in the right place, and it was recasting for me,...
“Ascension Symptoms”
Just a flow of words in the now, When you call upon, pray or ask for anything, you open your source field and give consent for outside manipulation and be an energy food source on SALE, for this game we are in. AI and...
Atlantis Split Experiment
Sharing an old DNA reading I did for M&A on 22-06-2022. Which I feel is important to share again today. It will show you that twinflames are also a program. My source takes me to an underground High-tech room, with computers that I can't...
Wisdom of the bones
This is an old message that came through my source on October 12, 2022. A message from DNA particles still present in the bones, we know as Hunebeden in Darp, the Netherlands. The bones/DNA my source consciousness connected to were from a giantess that...
The center Earth simulation and its four main stations.
Nederlandse vertaling. For those of you who follow me on YouTube, you probably remember when I talked about the blue sun being on again. I was brought there for a period of time to work on the lotus leaf technology, which became visible to...
The lock-in re-incarnation loop technology
Nederlandse vertaling This morning, my soul took me back for a moment to my first and only Ayahuasca experience. After which the lock-in reincarnation loop technology based on our thoughts became visible, at work within shadow layers/programs. Felt like sharing, for the ones who...
Nessus Program
After the inspiring talk I had with Lalita Karoli during our Nessus video, I decided to focus only on the Nessus program and traveled back through my body instrument to the beginning of my first Nessus experience, to witness in which landscape/element it started...
Our eternal boundless dream mind,
Nederlandse vertaling In our awakening process, we all experience many matrix "I" forms born from the shadow conditioning layers they placed over our true light essence. As soon as we transform those layers in our deepest zero point, our inner true souls light becomes...
The void, where form becomes formless…
Nederlandse vertaling Our true light/spark/cell of our source essence flows patiently into the deep cosmic waters of our inner zero point, the void. She takes great pleasure in the body it embodies and laughs at the matrix behavior that is born from the many...
Do we go deeper or do we go higher?
Nederlandse vertaling A liquid is a state of matter without solid form, it changes easily and takes the form of the vessel it embodies. Our body consists of 70% water. Water binds everything together, the cosmic memory of all existence. Water's memory communicates through...
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