What is Cern, and who is the upcoming Anti-Christ?

What is Cern, and who is the upcoming Anti-Christ?

CERN explained:

C programming language is a compiled language, which means that the code is compiled into machine code before it is executed. C programming language is a procedural language, which means that it follows a set of rules and guidelines for programming.
An ERN is an employer reference number, also known as an employer PAYE reference number. It’s an important piece of information that you should hold on to after hiring your first employee.
Sounds to me, that CERN is NO-THING more than a collector and copy/paste machine of data, to maintain the machine running.
So from my inner knowing, the CERN stories out there, are NO-thing more than an illusion to induce fear. Once you believe it, you attach and therefore the Cern AI machine can copy/paste your codings. Remember, the machine hologram needs our magical source codes, to maintain this holographic illusion. If we detach from it fully, it changes into what it is in essence, NO-THING.
If you are in need of more “proof”, click on the link below. It’s a research I mostly agree with.
Let go, and be here right now!

And who is the upcoming Anti-Christ?

In Aramaic, the ancient form of Hebrew language, is the new anti christ hidden in plain sight, as always. Many think it’s Trumpy. Let’s see what the Strong’s Hebrew dictionary tells us.
In the old Hebrew written testament, Jesus said he saw Satan as lightning falling from the heavens (Luke 10:18)
Meaning for lightning from the strong’s Hebrew Dictionary is: number 1299 = Baraq (baw-rak) “a primitive root to lightning – bring forth” and number 1300 = Baraq (Baw-rawk) “a flashing sword”.
In the book of Isaiah chapter 14:12-19 Satan is described as: “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most high”
The word used in this Isaiah text for “the Heights” from which Satan fell, is the strong’s Hebrew word 1116 = pronounced Bam-Maw “meaning from the heights/high place/wave”.
So who is this upcoming antichrist you think? Seems to me, it’s Barack Obama. But will see, what turns out to be the scenario. Meanwhile, detach from everything in the game, be in peace and flexible in every now moment!
Peace Qizenna
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