Light Tuning Cards

Light language is frequency and with frequency you can purify, align, open and heal yourself. Light language lives in all of us! With this light tuning deck, you can re-acquaint yourself with the flow of light language and the power of imagination. The art is made from water photos, this will allow you to perceive the power of transformation and the deeper layers in the art will activate your imagination.

Speak or sing the words in your own tone and rhythm. Repeat and continue until “foreign” language comes through. Then flow along in the movement of tones and words that follow from your heart! What comes through for you is always good, because your heart knows exactly what frequency of language and tones you need!

Don’t forget to use the power of numbers. Add the numbers together until you have one single number left. Below this text, you will find the spiritual explanation of the numbers 1-9.

Below the card readings you find the media player with all the sound examples and the gallery with all the cards.




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