Nederlandse vertaling
Below the readings, you find the Oracle Messages and gallery with all the cards.
Left = your energies
Center = the energies attached to you
Right = the overall connection/situation
The Oracle Messages
0 – The Void
When the void card finds you today, it is here to tell you that you are already there, that everything has always been there in every NOW moment. Your journey back to your inner deepest house of source oneness, opening your heart completely, demagnetizing the inner matrix programs, collecting the lost soul pieces and reawakening as a love alchemist in your true gold source house is your only mission here. In the deep and dark soul waters of emptiness, our zero point, we discover our true essence and source power. Our sense of inner oneness had only temporarily disappeared behind the many veils of split perceptions formed by our manipulated matrix mind programmings. Our true inner source is timeless and beyond senses, language and form. When we get here, we realize that we have freed ourselves from all the matrix programming. We come home to a constant state of inner peace and a deep realization that the void is our way out of this karma-matrix mind prison loop. Our matrix words begin to disappear, giving way to source knowing, and our form begins to feel formless. We become observing source consciousness, detached from the Matrix. From this empty, formless state of being, our new form as a love alchemist can take shape. Because form is emptiness and emptiness is form. In our emptiness we find the fullness. And who knows, from this state of being, we can transform this holographic drama based matrix game with our source powers forever into nothingness. And then what emerges? That remains the surprise. Get comfortable in not knowing, and inner source knowing will find you.
1 – Free Yourself
When this card is brought to your attention today it aims to remind you of the following; “A current underlying feeling of captivity does not have to dominate your life. You can change it at any time, if you decide to take back control of your thoughts.” Consciously get back into the driver’s seat of your own mind, you decide which thought you allow and which thought you reject. Time to consciously control your thoughts from your observing and powerful Source center deep within. Negative thoughts are the bars that trap you in your own mind prison. Observe your thoughts and when a negative thought arises in your mind, say, “NO, leave my now space.” And detach from it. When you experience a positive thought, write it down and feel it completely and repeat the thought before you go to sleep and upon waking. Observe and enjoy the inner transformation that automatically follows and recognize the conditioning mind manipulation programs that still needs your love.
2 – Happy Childhood
Playtime! Sometimes the energies feel so heavy that we seem to forget that the way out of it, is simply allowing ourselves to become playful like a child. Child play makes us light-hearted again. We all have our creative adult moments, but when was the last time you actually played like a child? Just playing, without the energy of “what will someone else think of me”, the need for perfection and end result. Remember, we are never too old for a happy childhood.
3 – Heron Totem
You are moving out of a period of feeling lost and thinking very deeply about all aspects of your life. A time of introspection is now ready to unfold towards movement. A shift from silence to action is upon you and different opportunities starts presenting themselves. From every NOW your future path unfolds. So stay in an observing and detaching state of being, when new movement finds you. Don’t jump immediately, take time to observe and feel into every opportunity. Heron is here to remember you that your inner zero-point is your power of balance, allowing you to observe and perform many tasks at the same time, keeping it all in balance. If one way doesn’t work, then another way will. Don’t be in a hurry, you are timeless and therefore time is not important.
4 – Songbird
The card shows a mermaid receiving a love message of hope and new beginnings through the song of the green parrot. Parrots are considered a symbol of love, playfulnes and good luck. When a green parrot enters your life, it wants to sing this love message to you; “whatever it is, whatever makes your heart sing, do it! And don’t hold back, even if it seems crazy or impossible”.
5 – Symphony
Within our bodyinstrument we have an symphony of 144 frequency sounds, some of them or vibrating, others don’t because a matrix shadow program is repressing the vibration/frequency sound. Today, a frequency sound that was hidden, is ready to re-connect with you. It’s already singing and dancing in your heart, ready to fully vibrate open the shadowlayer/emotion above it, that needs your alchemizing love and light in this now moment. Let a inner Source sound come through your heartspace and sing it, trust that whatever sound comes through is always the right one. The vibration behind the sound you are singing or speaking, is the vibration frequency needed to open up the shadow, illuminate and demagnetize it in your alchemizing source and bring home your soul piece/aspect. You are the magician, you have been waiting for. It has always been you!
6 – Shoot the Arrow
You’ve been playing with a new idea for some time now. Is it doubt what keeps it fading into the background? You have recently viewed the outcome of your idea from every perspective, and every time your heart starts to sing even louder. Today, this fairy shoots an arrow of trust into your heart, because now is the perfect time to make your first step towards your idea. The wisdom of white owl accompanies you in your flight towards the new. Fly beautiful, fly!
7 – Abundance
Abundance is always here, all you have to do is trust and believe! So when this card finds you today, it wants to let you know that NOW is a perfect time to change your perception and find the abundance that is already in front of you. Abundance comes in many forms, open your eyes and see!
8 – Body Devotion
If this card finds you today, it wants to let you know that your body needs your devotion. Where do you feel discomfort in your body? Start talking as a nuturing Mother to the consciousness of your bodypain and let the wisdom of your deepest source, love and body guide you towards the core of the pain, which is always hidden in a trauma emotion. And bring your love there, forgive yourself and the other that was part of the emotion/trauma and let go. Bring home your soulpiece and release the soulpiece of the other. When your body experiences you as its beloved, all boundaries that separate you from your body consciousness disappears. Body devotion, makes you dance with all that you are. A body at home in Devotion answers the scent of the flowers, the song of the birds and the healing frequencies in the silence. Devotion is loving yourself in every breath, falling in love with all that you are. When you allow yourself to be in this state of being, you live in a constant healing frequency. Being sick becomes a word that lives in a distant memory. A memory that lived within the self-imposed boundaries of the programmed body and the mind.
9 – False Light
When this card is brought to your attention today, it wants you to become aware of a false frequency of light. False light can only enter your field if you invite it in, so do not pray or invoke angels and gods outside yourself. This matrix is full of false gods and angels. Observe and don’t engage or indentify. Detach and only align to your own inner source knowing, frequency symphony and geometry. Everything is already in you! Focus on being in your zero point in every NOW moment. You are the timeless multidimensional Alien, Magician, Alchemist, god and angel you have been waiting for. It’s all within you!
10 – Love Both Sides
Don’t be so hard on yourself. Nobody is perfect! This blocks the growth of your consciousness. Your consciousness can only grow when you love and accept all that you are. The perfect and imperfect you. This way you bring light to every shadow. Time to let go of the hardness and embrace yourself in love.
11 – Strength
Bird dragon’s strength and higher view, is sent up from the core of your source to assist you. Align to your inner consciousness of Bird dragon, and you will have access to the strength and higher view you need, to overcome a present challenge. Bird dragon rare appearance is said to be an omen, foretelling constant harmony when you re-enter the throne of your source essence.
12 – Energy Focus
If this arrow heads your way today, you are being asked to observe your current choices and intentions from a renewed perspective. Where do you shred your energy? It’s great that you’re so passionate and want to experience as much as you can, but if you want to cross the finish line toward a recently set intention, it’s wise to slow down a bit. Allow yourself half an hour of complete silence every day and ask yourself; “what needs my focus today?” And then give only this answer your focused energy that day. Know that whatever is meant for you, already is present in your source. Get home to your trust and start flowing from now moment to now moment, so your path can naturally unfold from the fullness that is already within your source.
13 – Zero Point
Let trust guide you as you bridge out of your current shadow. Let yourself be carried away by the wind as you move towards your true inner source land. Let your inner waters purify you as your river of light takes you to the deepest core of your source peace. Know that your inner nourishing Mother is providing the energies of compassion, forgiveness, clemency, and a new level of unified source light to quench the shadow energy of your current situation, so that you can move through your inner portal and re-enter your true source of sparkling awareness and knowing. Consciously connect every day to your zero point, the deepest essence of your magical source of nothingness and see yourself moving through your unified landscape of peace, love, truth and freedom. Detach yourself from any outcome, because know that everything is already present in your own magical Source, waiting for your trust so it can unfold naturally. Trust is the magic key that you need right now.
14 – Unconditional
If the card of unconditional is brought to your attention today, you are about to experience an opportunity to perceive a reflection of conditioning from your source of unconditional love and peace. If you remain peaceful, the situation will transform into peace. So when conditioned words reach you, be and remain in your source of unconditional love and peace. How far are you? Will you be able to identify in time the programmed lie that could trigger you? Listen to the silence behind the other person’s conditioned words, and observe what is left and what is actually being said, once the situation has changed to peace.
15 – Earth Mother
Your Inner Earth Element, the Yin Mother energy that lives in your spleen organ, needs your loving attention today. She is your embodiment of self-love, self-care, carefree living, peace, tranquility and healthy boundaries. When we get lost in feelings of unworthiness and worry, the energy of the spleen calls us. Sit with your body and talk to your spleen as a loving mother does. Place your active right hand on your spleen and speak lovingly the following words; “you are worthy and beautiful as you are, you are peace and always loved”.
16 – Earth Father
Your inner Earth Element, the Yang Father energy that lives in your stomach organ, needs your loving attention today. He is your embodiment of clear thinking and balanced action. When you feel your mind is working overtime and creating a loop of thinking, Stomach needs you. Sit down with your body and talk to your stomach as a loving father does. Put your active right hand on your stomach and address it lovingly with the following words; “you are clear in your thinking and balanced in your actions, I love you and I thank you”.
17 – Natural Polarity
The reunion of your mother feminine and father masculine energies, working together as one consciousness, is necessary if you want to move harmoniously within (love) relationships with each other from the natural zero-point polarity. Inner polarity and balance begins when you decide to become your own loving mother and father. We all need to grow up and become responsible for all of our mind-matrix trauma programming. We ourselves magnetize repetition and drama in our lives, through the shadows within ourselves that we do not yet love. When we are triggered by the other in a (love) relationship, it highlights a shadow in us that wants to be seen, so that we can take care of it, love it and demagnetize it in your Source with the energy of parental love. And always, keep a close eye on your own boundaries, because violence and mental belittling through manipulation is of course a situation that we have to say goodbye to.
18 – Hand of Love
Beautiful inner child, trust that your own parental hand of love is carrying you through the challenges you’re facing right now. This card is asking of you to stay in your trust, for your inner child energy is in a deep transformation. A new playful perception, that will lighten up your heart and overall life, is about to be born. Embrace your child in trust, be with every feeling that wants to surface, dark and light. This way the new perception can be born from your source of trust and peace. Work through this present challenge with the energy of child play. This will help you release your child’s energy from this current feeling that can feel oppressive and suffocating at times. Ask your inner child what in needs right now, and move with it. Dance, paint, make music, sing, watch children movies etc. For calm and uplifting support, listen to the healing, playful liberating sounds and energy waves of the dolphins. Be like the water, flow in trust.
19 – Celebration
Source family comes dancing into your life. This will be the beginning of many source frequency based mirror moments. A feast of recognition and a new peaceful community way of living presents itself.
20 – Golden Cat
If the Golden Cat appears in your cards today, she wants to let you know that you can turn your current issue into a challenge you can overcome. A challenge that you gracefully overcome by moving like the Golden Cat. If you observe and approach the issue with affection and playfulness, the energy of your inner lioness power will transform the challenge into a positive mirror that will enrich your path.
21 – Bird Vision
Bird creatures are excellent seers. Before you decide to make a life-changing decision, the bird energy invites you to take a vision journey to gain clarity. Follow this given path; breathe into your heart space and visualize a bridge. Use all your imagination to find yourself here. When you go over the bridge, you will see a golden mountain appear. If you tune into the mountain, you see a cave entrance. Walk towards the entrance and enter your golden source mountain. Inside, you will find an elevator in the center, that will take you to the top of your mountain. Once at the top, a bird’s nest awaits you. Take a seat in this safe nest and look in all directions. What do you see? Take the time to observe all directions. After a while, a bird comes flying towards you. It lands on the edge of your nest and looks you deep in the eyes as it sends you a message. Give thanks to the bird as it flies away and return to the elevator. Descend the mountain, go back over your bridge, to your normal waking state. Take your journal and write down everything that came through. What kind of bird was it? In what direction a vision of clarity came through? Etc. Repeat this path if necessary.
22 – Royalty
The royal color wizard in the card wants to remind you of your abundantly inner spectrum of magical colors. You can use your color palette as a source of power for healing and transformation. Because you too are a color wizard. You are encouraged to acknowledge and embrace your inner colors of truth and brilliance. Time to put on your crown and walk your source path of truth, with a royal attitude. You don’t need the approval of others, to speak your truth and live as the source royalty you are! We, the source connected beings, are the true Kings and Queens! So from this moment forth, keep your head up high, shoulders straight and be proud of who you are, you got this!
23 – Purification
A white horse has come forward to assist you in your current purification journey. Close your eyes and align to your magical inner horse energy for a purification journey. Use your imagination to see yourself jumping on the white horse’s back. A portal opens and the purification journey into your inner magical source field forest of purification begins. Believe, surrender and trust. Let the white horse guide you towards the shadow within your inner landscape that needs your purification. A shadow can appear as a sick tree, a polluted lake etc. Once you have found the shadow, purify it, you know how to. Always trust your own source knowing!
24 – Dance of Love
When this card finds you today, a source dance of love is circling around in your energy. Once we fall in love with every part of ourselves again, we return to our natural state of detachment. Through which we experience the fulfillment of love and peace within ourselves again. Once we master this state of detachment and fulfillment, we attract love relationships that move like an ever-changing dance of love, spiraling together beyond the illusion of time and space.
25 – Love Frequency
Yes, you are an alien, but you are now here in the physical matrix game. So be here, NOW. Be in your body! Everything is in you, so love you! Do you want positive change? Be your own positive coach. Start each day with the following. Activate your love frequency at the start of each new day so that the connection between your physical self and your inner source remains open and active throughout the day. You can do this by talking lovingly and forcefully to yourself in the mirror. Look at yourself and say: Everything I need is here, NOW. I see my beauty, am my own greatest love. I see me and I am enough. From my harmonic center of inner peace I attract love frequencies that enrich and purify my source, mind and body.
26 – Message to self
This card wants you to know that it is time to renew your energetic field of sacred boundaries. Allow yourself a period of time to just be. Be the example and the listener. Set new boundaries and share your source wisdom, creativity and self-healing tools only with yourself for a while. Make your life simpler and smaller, and focus more on self-love. Sharing too much can create an inner imbalance if you don’t take care of yourself. If we are born into this realm as a naturally empathetic giver, we need to be extra aware of setting our boundaries. They need renewal from time to time, now is the time. Remember that unconditional sharing can only exist when you give from a balanced heart, filled with the energies of self-love. And protected by an energetic field of healthy boundaries anchored in your Source.
27 – Golden Dragon
When Golden Dragon is brought to your attention today, it wants to remind you that once upon a time you lived as a source dragon. You do not have to become “enlightened”, for using the golden light and power of the source dragon. Your golden inner source has been overshadowed by the many manipulation mind programmings in this Earth Matrix realm. That’s all. Look at your shadows, go deeper within (not higher), and illuminate the shadows that show up with your golden dragon breath.
28 – Inner Crystal
In the inner Landscape of Metal, we find the crystals, stones, metals and minerals that together ensure that our inner river of life sparkles in purity and can flow within safe banks towards our deepest Source center. The woman in the card appears to be standing strong, with her crystal staff, in a landscape of water. But if we look with clear eyes, we see that the waters outside of her are everywhere, which tells us that there is no clear direction in her inner flow. In order not to drown in the many emotions, she holds on tightly to her crystal staff. The metal element landscape in us moves through our lungs (sadness) and large intestine (letting go). The inner banks of this woman are broken, therefore her inner shores are gone, causing her grief to move into all directions. She no longer knows which grief is hers or of another. Her anchor can no longer find her source center, because the Earth starts to feel like quicksand. To anchor herself again, she will have to build new banks from her own inner elements Metal landscape. We can build inner banks by setting boundaries so that it is clear to everyone outside of you, where your bank boundary begins and ends. That way, we can feel the grief that belongs to another come in when it hits our shores and leave it with the other. You don’t have to transform the grief of another. They need their grief for their own transformation process. Be an observing presence in your own anchored love behind the shores of your clear set boundaries, that’s enough!
29 – Metamorphosis
As you move deeper and deeper through your inner shadow landscape of the matrix’s trauma-based mind manipulation programs, you will experience moments where you think “I’ve had it, please come and get me”. Do not resist the feeling of this thought, embrace and surrender to it. Knowing that we all encounter those feelings when we are in the middle of a metamorphosis. You are moving closer to your source core where your immortal golden source force circulates, patiently waiting for you to fully acknowledge and re-embody your Power. You too, have your own immortal source power! Let this knowing ease your body and mind so that you can easily flow through this moment of discomfort.
30 – Light Saber
If the Lightsaber card is brought to your attention today, it’s time to take a closer look at a feeling of discomfort in your Earthly body. Be the warrior you are and travel to the current feeling in your body that keeps teasing you. Where exactly in your body do you feel the discomfort? When you feel where it is, you step out of your physical body with your awareness. See yourself as a powerful warrior with a golden lightsaber in your hand. And observe where the black colored energetic cord of the discomfort enters your body. Do you see it? Now cut the cord with your lightsaber. And make sure you remove any parts left in your body. When you are ready, get back into your Earthly vessel. How does your body feel now? Better? Remember, you can do this in every moment, just believe!
31 – Between Spaces
During shadow work, we experience periods where it feels like you can’t put one foot in front of the other, experiencing fatigue. This means your physical body needs some time to realign the layers you just worked through and alchemize them in your Source zero-point, where the shadow looses its magnetizing power. You are in an in-between space, moving from one level of consciousness to another. Our physical body always lags behind our Source consciousness shifts. Surrender to the process and take care of yourself. Know that this feeling is temporary. Once everything is realigned and anchored in your source, you continue your path from a new Source awareness, truth and perspective, enjoying all the source wisdom that comes with it. For now, have some patience with yourself and trust the process that is happening right now.
32 – The Earth Drum
When the Earth Drum appears in your cards today, it is letting you know that beating the drum is a perfect way to bring your Earth element back into balance. Drumming helps us to anchor ourselves deep in our core center. The harmonic zero point within. Where we leave our scattered mind and come home to the clarity. If you already have a drum, now is the perfect time to drum yourself back to zero-point. And if not, this card is telling you that it’s time to get a drum and start using it to create more anchored peace and tranquility in your life!
33 – Empty Mirror
When the empty mirror finds you today, it wants to reflect the power of nothingness. When others appear on your path moving from an attacking frequency such as frustration and anger, it is important not to identify with them. Breathe yourself towards your zero point and detach yourself from the situation. It’s nothing personal, it’s just a frequency that seeks grounding to become stronger. In our zero point we become nothing and reflect nothing back. An attack frequency cannot find grounding through an empty mirror, causing the frequency to lose its power.
34 – Calming Waters
In the card, we see a powerful water creature that cannot get out of the water. He is feeling stuck. Despite being encouraged by the hummingbird, the owl, the dolphins and a fire fairy, he is locked into fear. Entering the Earth’s shores in order to rest, he experiences as an impossible task. Purifying the water is his job, and he doesn’t dare to stop. His fear of giving in to his tiredness reinforces the blockage in his willpower, the weakness in his legs, and his clouded thinking. To overcome his unfounded fear, he will have to face his fear and allow his fatigue. As a powerful water creature, he is allowed to be afraid and tired and if his water-purifying work becomes too much for him, he may also take a well-deserved rest break for himself. Only then, his water organs, the kidney (fear) and bladder (will) can recharge and come back into balance, so the illusion of fear can dissolve naturally in the purifying waters. And his will can be reborn.
35 –Lost Boundary
Hummingbird is here to mirror you a way to bring lightness and balance back into your emotional life. By examen your set Source Boundaries. Once we have exposed and alchemized matrix programming/shadows with our love, we set a clear source boundary for ourselves, keeping the programming demagnetized in our zero-point, as it were. But as soon as we fail to honor our the boundary we have set for ourselves, because a desire related to that program comes to the surface, we pull ourselves out of our NOW from which everything naturally unfolds and place ourselves in the illusion of the past or future. Your former shadow program that was chilling, fully demagnetized in your harmonizing zero point, starts to magnetize itself again. Causing your boundary pillar to fall over and negative thoughts from that old shadow program can enter your field again. Which creates a mirror projection in your outside world. The outside world is our mirror in this Matrix game. What does your outside mirror projects back to you in this moment? What boundary you haven’t been honoring in yourself? Everything is already here in this Now moment. Future and past desires, identifying ourselves to characters and stories, are very powerful illusions matrix traps to re-open old shadow programs, so negative thought forms and dis-balance re-enters your life.
36 – Chakra Illusion
If this card is brought to your attention today, it wants to remind you of the following. The chakras are part of the matrix’s lock-in system. We are already oneness in our deepest source within, and therefore do not need to open and connect chakras to become oneness again. This matrix knowledge has been purposely spread amongst the people to activate their matrix chakra system so that they can tap our golden source energy from us, through the crown chakra. To then send mind manipulation downloads into us again to confuse and slow down our process. Which results in more trauma repeating loops, chaos and imbalance within and therefore also in our outside world. They need our energy batteries to maintain their trauma-based holographic matrix game, which we call Earth. Release the chakras, because everything you need to find your way back home is within you! You are already oneness in your own deepest core, your source. Not convinced yet? Just try it for a few months. Invoke nothing outside yourself, stop praying for you become the prey, leave outside information out the door for a while and only connect with your own body instrument, your own inner frequency symphony and geometries, the golden source power in your core, and your unconditional selflove. And then observe what happens. Inner peace becomes a more constant movement, and the wisdom of your source can finally reach you again through your deepest harmonic zero point of oneness that lives within you. Everything is in you!
37 – Source Seed
As you know, our outer garden, reflects our inner garden and visa-versa. This card is here to let you know it is time to work as one with the power of nature, now is the perfect time to physically plant a seed in the soil of your outer garden, that matches your intention in the now. Because it seems that the seed of a new you is ready to sprout into the outer world. Nurture your seed with your intention and love, so the “new you” seed can anchor deep, grow balanced and blossom in the perfect moment. Make sure the seed you plant, reflects the story of your inner intention. Which flower, fruit, herb, tree or vegetable reflects your intention in the now?
38 – Dive Deep
When Dive Deep appears in your cards today, there is an energy circling back that could be described as an abrupt farewell. You are being asked to take a deep purifying dive into this old circling farewell energy one last time. If people are abruptly torn away from your life, be aware that in that moment abruptly space is made for people who align with your renewed awareness in the now. When we decide to let go of the impure by choosing self-love, abrupt changes occur, driven by our inner source. Everything that disappears makes space. The energy that this card conveys is an old love affair, the emotions of which still move through your field. It feels like you are disconnected from it, so why does it keep circling back into your field? Often fragmented soul pieces/codings of the other, acquired during shared trauma lives/experiences, are still present in your field. This keeps you connected to your ex. Return the soul pieces/codes of your ex, still present in your field, and release them for good. And at the same time retrieve your soul pieces/codes from their field. Speaking out, intention and believing that you can do this is enough.
39 – Emotion Mirror
If someone holds up a mirror to you, causing you to feel a strong emotional reaction. Breathe, observe the emerging emotion and see yourself as you are, in your shadow and in your light. Your emotional response is a valuable sign of where to turn your attention now for growth in consciousness.
40 – Follow the Flow
When you feel your natural flow of life is stagnated, challenge yourself to an intuitive journey. A day or maybe longer go on an intuitive journey, without a map, without your telephone and with no final destination. As you drive or walk intuitively, follow the direction of your source and pay attention to the signs your soul is giving you. A powerful place or encounter will find you and enchant your heart. Once you fully trust your own intuition again and start living your life from the NOW moment, you automatically re-align yourself to the natural flow of life.
41 – Storm of Change
Celestial storms are pushing you forward toward great change. Connect with the nature kingdoms and elements. Be like the tree, anchor your roots deep in the earth. Be like the wind, enjoy all the directions needed to manifest your transformation of change. Be like the water, let yourself be carried away by the natural flow of life. Be like the fire, shine your powerful light, knowing that at the end of the storm a new you is born.
42 – Perception
As this card enters your consciousness today, it is here to remind you that perception is constantly changing, and therefore so is your truth and the truth of another. As you already know, or perhaps are hearing for the first time now, when we heal and transform a shadow layer of pain or conditioning, you activate a lost piece of Source wisdom, so to speak. Which makes your heart grow in love and changes your consciousness and perception of truth. Your source wisdom will reach you in a way that you can understand in that moment. A period of integration follows, which means a period of self-care, rest and being in nature a lot. Your inner and outer perception automatically changes with you. What was a truth to you yesterday, you may experience as a lie the next day. Embrace this constant change of perception, don’t try to understand it, just let go of your old beliefs. What you perceive is true, but what the other perceives is also true. That is their perception. So can we judge someone else for thinking differently from us? No, because truth is nothing more than a temporary perception experienced from the consciousness the person embodies at that moment. Truth is perception.
43 – Soul Source
Our inner soul source reflection field, vibrating outwardly moving from unconditional love and our electromagnetic golden Source pulsation, brings outside worlds to life and pulsating inwardly in a state of detachment, making worlds disappear. You are the one who creates and projects the beauty on your outside worldscreen. For me, this became a proven truth after I left the Belgian Ardennes. For years, I lived here in unity and love with the natural abundance present, and was daily in deep connection with the beautiful carp family in the ponds on the property. Two months later, after leaving this beautiful place, I received a message and photos of the property that I had loved so dearly for so many years, but now that my love was no longer there, the carp family were no longer there either. The two beautiful lakes on the property and the natural life in and around it were in a process of decay. That’s how powerful our love is when we pulsate outwardly! If we take the love out and bring it home to our hearts again, detach ourselves and pulsate inwardly again towards or own inner Source, the creation disappears. This card wants to remind you, that you are the creator of the love and beauty that you encounter in the outer world. So BELIEVE IN YOU and LOVE YOURSELF. Two important statements that will embody their true power, when you really start to feel and anchor it within yourself!
44 – Illusion
Beautiful light of Source love, you are asked to observe your heart space very closely. Is an illusion knocking at your door? Be aware of the veil of trickery prevalent in this Matrix game. Train yourself to recognize these illusory energies of trickery. Ask your body, what does truth feel likes and what does trickery feels like. Observe the reaction in your body. Repeat it until you feel it. Believe that your sensitivity and direct Source knowing will always identify trickery in time. Trust your heart and source consciousness and see through the illusion!
45 – Upside-Down
If the energy of chaos is turning your life upside down, it’s time to renew your perception. The whale family sounds vibrate from the original source, zero point. Use these powerful zero point vibration sounds from the Whales to vibrate yourself back to your harmonic zero point of inner peace. Listen to whale sounds as you direct your breath to your lower belly and experience your return to your natural centered position. Your harmonic zero point at the center of your center of your center. In the depths of your true golden source.
46 – Eyes on You
If you feel that unwanted eyes are watching you its time to clear your Source Field and check with yourself where energetically charged physical things of you are present. For example, if you are an artist, there are many artworks present in other places. The people in those places are connected to you through the loving energy of your artwork, consciously or unconsciously. People with impure intentions, who are in the knowing, can easily reach and manipulate your field. I’ll take artworks as an example, but this could be anything, of course. A plant, crystals, your favorite chair you recently sold etc. Anything you gave your love and energy to and decided to sell or give away. Be aware of this and bring home your love energy. Detach yourself fully from the things that are present in other people’s houses. You don’t have to get complicated about this, just state the intention. “I bring home to my source, the love energy that is still present somewhere else and detach myself now from all physical things that are present in other people’s houses”.
47 – Deep Waters
Mermaid brings you into the realm of your watery emotions. It is necessary to swim deep in your water rivers of tears, because only then can you truly heal. During this necessary period of self-renewal, be kind to yourself and be your own nurturing parent. Create enough alone time for yourself so that your tears can flow freely. This period will also pass, surrender to it and let it renew yourself. Crying is strength. It purifies and makes room for clarity and for the revitalizing golden healing light present within the deep waters of your source.
48 – Soul Piece
A lost soul aspect from a “past life” reset is mirrored back through another person. A meeting of recognition. Familiar and yet so new. An exchange takes place. Through this exchange you open a portal within yourself, allowing a shared trauma memory to emerge. The memory in which a piece of both of your souls was lost in each other’s core pain that arose during this “past life” trauma. Bring your love to the core pain your body is making you feel and then bring your own soul aspect back home. A memory of your source wisdom and powers will surface, this will take you both to a deeper level of awareness and peace. Do not identify with the “past life” memory, observe and let go. Otherwise you will remain susceptible to loop repetitions of this old pain.
49 – Hidden Truths
When a crow enters your life, get out of your familiar nest and look beyond your current field of vision. Someone close to you speaks in a constant stream of words to confuse and mislead you. Hear the message behind the message by listening to the silence behind the words. This silence will reveal the hidden truth.
50 – Self Reflection
If the card of self-reflection is brought to your attention today, the answer to your question is already present in your consciousness and ready to rise to the surface of your earthly perception. Time for a moment of self-reflection. The card asks you to connect with the wisdom of the water consciousness and the hawk. Water will guide you through your inner stream to the source of the answer, and Hawk will give you clear vision. And remember, if we don’t understand something yet, the answer from our inner source consciousness will come through at a later time. Which is always the perfect moment. Just write down your question and let it go. Don’t tire your mind looking outside yourself for answers, this will only confuse you and pull you out of the NOW. Everything is already in us. The outside world is nothing more than a reflection of our inner perception of consciousness at that moment. Coming home to the consciousness of your source essence is the greatest happiness you can experience, everything changes, and you become addicted to your own inner source consciousness, your home. The best addiction there is.
51 – Uncertainty
A feeling of insecurity is often born of a long-term or temporary lack of self-love and therefore a lack of self-confidence. Which in turn leads to an urge for control in the physical world and in your thinking. Let go of control and trust that your boat will dock at the right time. And trust that your path will unfold exactly as it is meant to and all inner Source memories and wisdoms will come to the surface of your consciousness at just the right time. Everything is already there, you just have to stand in your confidence and let go of time, because time is an illusion. Time are the prison bars. The sudden changes that are coming your way now also come at just the right time. Be flexible and ride the waves of change that are needed now. Trust your intuition during this period of change, your intuition already knows your future path. Until the moment arrives when you are back home to your zero point and the essence of your Source in every NOW moment, your intuition is the voice of your Source and inner truth. Intuition knows which seas to sail and which boat you need to get across the change that is happening right now. Heron is the energy that accompanies you during this crossing into the new, bringing you confidence, balance and a calm clear mind. Let go of your control and step into your confidence, NOW is the moment.
52 – Whale Energy
The Whale energy is here today to let you know that it is time to unlock the gift of attunement of your inner 144 frequencies within yourself. To help yourself transform disharmonies present in your body instrument. All the sound frequencies you need are already in you. Trust your source, because your source knows! Your whale family is ready to re-activate with you, your inner symphony of frequencies. Sing with the intent to demagnetize matrix programming in your source center, your zero point. Intuitively sing a frequency sound that comes through your source and heart, while listening to whale sounds to reactivate your gift of attunement.
53 – You are Magic
Beautiful you, when your inner energy of the magician settles in your heart, your consciousness reaches the language of the Elemental magic. Your realignment with your magical golden source opens up a world richly filled with wonders. The way you experienced nature before changes completely. Water begins to reflect your source memories, stones and crystals take you on a journey, the trees help you illuminate your shadow roots, and the wind moves you into the right direction. Beautiful you, feel the magic that is in you and start living your life from your inner smile.
54 – Dragonfly
A sudden, but necessary transformation is on the way. Observe and use Dragonfly’s talents. Dragonfly shows itself in times of transformation. She loves to share her wisdom of transformation and adaptability with us humans. She teaches us to love life, to rejoice and to have faith in the midst of sudden necessary transformations. Give yourself enough self-love and time to embrace this transformation and integrate the new.
55 – Animal Love
Animals show us how to be unconditional love, fully aligned to inner source, while being consciously present in every now, how to love, how to enjoy being loved, how loving itself is an activity that generates more love. If you chose Animal Love today, it will either tell you that it is time for (more) animals in your life, or an animal is in need of some extra attention and love, or has an important telepathic message for you. If your telepathic power is not yet working, know that there is another way to receive the message. To receive the telepathic message, you can ask the true source of the animal to connect during dreamtime to show you a vision of the message, in a way that you can understand and receive at this time. Express the intention to remember your dream message. Be patient, because sometimes the vision of a telepathic message comes through a few days later.
56 – Water Passage
An inner water portal of transformation and remembrance is wide open. An opportunity for new growth in consciousness and deep empathic healing. The dolphins encourage you to explore the depths of your source waters. A blockage in your inner river, prevents you from moving forward. Stop holding back your tears, let them flow and show compassion for all aspects of yourself. This is how you start the flow of purification and healing. Give yourself the gift of compassion, in your light and in your shadow. Your tears will activate your river of self-love and flush away your blockage so that you can embrace a deeper consciousness in the transformative powers of your inner source waters.
57 – Nurturing Earth
In the image, we see a mother nurturing her inner Earth. By sending a stream of water through her many illusionary doubts, she washes the veil away and re-enters the purified shores of her mindfield. Now that she can see clearly again from a centered calm Earth movement, her inner Earth observing magic powers can flow freely again. What doubt is this message reflecting for you? Doubt originates in your feminine Earth Yin organ, the spleen. Essence of this message; “be your own nurturing Earth mother and let a stream of calm and purified water flow through your organ Spleen. Spleen can feel and absorb the golden alchemizing Source vibration present in your words, so talk to your Spleen as a loving mother and free yourself from your current doubt. You are the Magical Earth Alchemist, trust you and cherish your own inner Earth woman”.
58 – Lovesong
If you are still sensitive to external triggers, the vibration of your inner love song has not yet reached all parts of you. What if I told you that all the other people that pass through your life are just a reflection to help you remember where you still hold a sense of separation. Separation is the absence of your self-love. The absence of love in yourself becomes visible when a mirror from the outside knows how to trigger you in the illusions of, for example; rejection, envy, guilt and jealousy. Someone can only trigger you if you have not yet fully come home to your self-love. So everyone who crosses your path is part of the collective mirror field of love, because every mirror is an opportunity to illuminate what triggers you, with your love. If we ignore these mirrors and continue to point the finger at everything outside of us, we continue to attract a repetitive loop of triggers and experience life as lonely. Experience the mirrors as gifts, love them and come home to your self-love. The place within where loneliness does not exist.
59 – Dragon Key
If Dragon Key finds you today, it means you’re on your way to weather any storm. The dragon key to unlock your inner portal to your Source of Elemental Fire Magic is at your fingertips. It is up to you to find your key and open your inner Source Fire portal. Connect with your Fire element within and without yourself, make a campfire and set the intent to collect the key, unlock the portal and activate your inner Fire Soulmagic. Welcome home to your natural power, Fire Mage.
60 – Forest Wisdom
On the card, we see an elf on a branch playing with her butterfly. Deeply in love with her wings, flying between the highest branches of her inner Wood Element, her forests. Due to the constant desire to fly, she has forgotten to cherish all her roots with her love, in order to anchor herself even more deeply in her source. Her source has so much to tell her, but cannot reach her because the branches and the roots no longer communicate with each other. It’s like a branch around her waist is blocking the connection. Which causes the elf’s energy to become an unrooted whirlwind, making her head spin. Decision-making has become an impossible task for her, which also blocks her creativity. And as soon as her feet touch the Earth, she begins to falter. As a result, the elf begins to experience feelings of frustration and anger. Fortunately, Leaf Dragon has the solution and gives her two sturdy branches. “Play the drums and unleash your frustration on the trunk of the tree. Sing or shout out your frustrations and ask the tree to help you root deeper into your harmonic source center.” After an hour of voice liberation, the blockages were resolved and the inner Wood organs, gall bladder (decision-making) and liver (frustration-anger) were rooted back into their natural balance. Elf was able to make decisions again, her creativity started flowing, and her feet could finally feel the earth again. What is the message for you, in this story?
61 – Inner Fire
If the dragon sword of your inner fire is brought to your attention today, it comes to tell you that your heart protector has something to share. Your heart protector filters which emotions you allow into your heartspace and which you don’t. But if we want to blaze our flame of passion and the truth in our heart, it is imperative that we allow our past emotions that were too painful to feel back then, pass through our protective gate of the heart. As long as we keep avoiding those old painful emotions, we keep ourselves trapped in a repeating loop of past pain. Connect with your inner fire element and consciously open the protective gates of your heart. Let the hidden emotions flow through the gate and alchemize the cords that connect you to the people who were part of that past emotion. Observe and feel them, and then let them go for good. You are HERE NOW, and that’s all there is.
62- Shadow Cycle
On the card we see a cowering woman, it seems she wants to hide between the nourishing and safe roots of the tree. Is she unrooted within herself, and why? Does she feel deprived? Does she want to be seen? In need of encouragement, recognition, being taken seriously and not being left feeling like her trust has been betrayed, once again?
Why does this archetype find you today?
Love yourself, is cosmic language for, see yourself!
Is “see yourself” already fully rooted in you? Do you trust your own source of wisdom, magic and strength? Are you deeply rooted in the role of your own coach, healer, teacher, student, mother and father? Do you already feel the fulfillment of fullness within yourself?
If you can answer everything with a convincing YES, then you see yourself, you support yourself, and you love every part of you. Congratulations! Therefore, the reflection in this card is not for you, but a reflection for someone close to you. He or she is still moving through layers of shadow work and cannot yet see themselves. The message for you today is, be the wisest and have patience with the other, because you see the source essence of the other through all layers of shadow programming. If you can’t do that, you didn’t answer the questions honestly.
If you answered all, or some of the questions with NO, then this card is a reflection for you. There are still desires for recognition and confirmation outside yourself, which means that you cannot yet fully see yourself. Unseen Shadow frequencies are still pulsing outwardly and attract patterns of repetitive pain. This will continue as long as we have not yet fully addressed and seen the pain frequency in our inner world. These repeating cycles are an opportunity in freeing ourselves from inner unresolved pain. It’s up to us, what we choose. Or we bury our heads in the sand again, choose blindness and point the finger at others, with the result that we keep repeating the same situations. Or you act responsible, and decide to be honest with yourself. See beyond the thought emotion based shadow program illusions and embrace the place of nothingness within, where you can fully detach and come home into the fullness of your source.