Every space and every person is unique and longs for balance and harmony. If you hire me as your personal quantum healer designer, I promise you a unique pattern that no one else in this world has, and I will bring your space back into balance during the quantum healing design process. At the bottom of this page you will find a design gallery to inspire you. I design for all ages.
How does it work?
Step 1:
I attune energetically to the person and the space that needs a transformation. Or the family and the house as a whole. I feel and see which colours and movements are needed to bring the space back into balance. After this, I start sketching until I feel the image or pattern is ready.
Step 2:
I take a picture of the sketch and upload it to my computer. I edit the sketch through a creative program until it has become a pattern that can be applied to wallpaper, window valances and curtains. During step 2 we work closely together towards the end result. You indicate which pattern it will become.

Step 3:
I will prepare the pattern for print and send it to you via email. In the right dimensions and resolution, ready to print on wallpaper and fabric. I will send the original sketch by post. If this is a wish, for the people who live in the Netherlands, I can personally help you further with designing your space.
Step 4:
The space has transformed in energy. This has been energetically brought back into balance, and the pattern/sketch on the wall and/or curtains will permanently support the energy of balance and harmony. You now have a handmade, unique pattern at your disposal. And no one else in the world has the same wallpaper or curtains as you.
Are you that person who stands out from the rest, and who dares to open up to the transformative power of Quantum Healing Design? Then I am your designer!
Send me your wishes via the contact form and I will message you back to schedule a Skype appointment. You determine the costs, you can make it as cheap or expensive as you want. Soon you will be the proud and sole owner in this world of a unique work of art and pattern, custom-made especially for you! If you want to keep costs low, you can do that by choosing an existing design from my pattern library.
Love Qizenna