Question-Answer Session

Nederlandse vertaling

If you resonate with my being and source perception, feel welcome to send me your question(s). I decided to stop with beforehand appointments for Skype sessions, because I needed to create more timelessness in my Source field. Through this new Source Mirror question/answer session, I can flow naturally in every breath and am not being pulled into the clock of time through appointments made at forehand. Before you decide to share a question with me, check my shared Q&A, the Oracle Readings and the 62 messages of my Mystical Oracle Deck. Chances are you will find your answer to your question there.

You receive my mp3 or video answer after you made your donation/energy exchange. If I feel the answer I shared with you, could be helpful for others, I will ask your permission to share it anonymously on my community Page. I have kept my energy exchange doable for everyone. Because I want to be available for all.

The energy exchange for one question is 5 euro, two questions 10 euro, three questions 15 euro etc.

Contact me via the Skype invitation link you find below. Send me your question(s) and after I have received your energy exchange through the PayPal donation button you find at the bottom of this page, I will send you my answer.


If you prefer e-mail contact, send me your question(s) via the contact form.

Much love Qizenna

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